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Last week we were contacted by a gentleman who is trying to introduce a new line of masturbation sleeves from the Japanese company Tomax to the American market. He wanted to know if we would check out one of the sleeves, named the The Succubus, and tell him what we thought. Well, we were a bit hesitant at first since we didn’t know anything about this company, but this guy was VERY patient about answering all of our questions so we decided to give it a wank.

Now in spite of the fact that we *did* just put up a blog post that listed some peeves we have about sex toy packaging, we take most toys’ wrappings with a grain of salt and try not to let it affect our opinion of the product much. But still, first impressions do count and the Succubus’ packaging made a good one. It comes in a black flip-top box with some cool non-porny graphics on it, and an inset area inside that the (plastic wrapped) toy lies in. Much classier than the typical artless boxes that most masturbation sleeves in this price range come in.

The Succubus sleeve has a semi-realistic opening and is closed at the other end which does create a pleasant suction effect when in use. It’s available in 4 different internal textures AND 3 different material firmness levels too… how’s that for unique? The one we got was “regular” firmness (which is the middle ground), in the 2D Wavy Ripple texture.

Before we get too far, let’s talk about this material for a minute. Safety is our #1 concern with these things, and Succubus passes the test in that it’s made of a non-toxic blend of elastomer that contains no phthalates or latex. It feels like a cross between Cyberskin and TPE; soft & squishy, supple, and amazingly stretchy. You can literally stretch this toy to about 20″ long or put four fingers in the end and it will still retract back to fit snugly around a single finger. It creates a fair amount of drag against the skin when it’s not lubed (like most masturbation sleeves do), but it’s not sticky and there’s no odor. It did smell very slightly of powder when we first opened it, but that disappeared after we washed it.

The 2D Wavy Ripple inner texture consists of a narrow wavy path lined with tiny ribs for the whole length of the toy. These ridges aren’t very prominent, so it still feels like a mild texture overall that didn’t become irritating like some ribbed designs do. It also worked well when we turned it inside out and used it with no texture inside, which would be useful for guys who are overly sensitive. The path is snug enough to feel good on any size dick either way, but stretches enough not to be uncomfortable for a thicker-than-average guy.

The toy also warms up quickly to body temperature or you can soak it in some warm water before hand to have it retain a little extra heat.

Cleaning the Succubus is painless too; flip it inside out, wash with mild soap and warm water, let it dry, and repeat. It will pick up a little lint if you drop it on the carpet or something (what sleeve doesn’t?) but it’s not the total lint magnet that some tend to be.

                                                            • -

Alan says:
I can’t believe that we almost didn’t review this. These people have a great design going. Succubus feels kind of like a small Fleshlight sleeve, but much more durable and easier to warm up. We figured out that holding the toy in different places varied the sensation quite a bit, as did changing the speed of the thrusts, and there was a noticeable mild sucking going on for me the whole time. Very nice. Normally I’m not as fond of ribbed designs as I am waves, ripples, and whatnot, but I really enjoyed this one. I’m impressed enough that I think I’m going to have to try the other two material firmnesses as well, and probably their Bumpy Road texture too.

Michele says:
Since I’m usually the one holding the sleeves when we test them, I truly appreciate toys like this that don’t feel gross to the touch or leave any funky smell on my hands! The Succubus was easy to hold too and it didn’t take much effort for me to squeeze here and there to get different reactions out of him. That’s always fun
If I could improve one thing about the Succubus it would actually be with its box. The nest it sits in only has partial sides around it, so even if you pop the toy in a baggie first before storing it (which I suggest) it moves around a lot. It would be better if they made full sides around the nest so it was more stable in there, but what a minor thing to bitch about, eh? LOL!





その前に素材について話します。安全性が私達にとって一番重要であって、Succubusは有害性のないエラストマー製で、フサレートやラテックスは使われてません。感じ的にはサイバースキン(※4)とTPEの間のようで,柔らか、ぐにゅぐにゅ、柔軟、伸縮性があります。実際に20インチくらい伸ばせますし、4本指を穴にいれてから、1本指をいれてもすぐにピタッとしたフィット感になるまで穴は戻ってきます。ローションを付けないとかなり摩擦はあります。(他のオナホもそうです。) でもベタベタしておらず、臭いもありません。最初少しだけパウダーっぽい臭いがしたけれど、洗ったらすぐに消えました。

2D-WavyRippleは小さい肋骨状(※5)のものが狭くてウエーブしてる中の穴全体についてます。突起はそれほどとがってませんので、同じ肋骨状のデザインのものからたまにえるいらいらするような刺激ではなく、マイルドな感じがします。それと裏返してツルツル状を中側にして使うこともできて、刺激に敏感な人でも大丈夫です。(※6) どんなサイズのペニスにでもぴったり合うような感じですし、普通より太い人でも伸縮性があるので心地悪いことはないです。 温度も体温くらいにすぐに温まりますし、暖かいお湯につけてから使うこともできます。



私はこの手のおもちゃを試すときはいつも持つほうだから(※8)、このおもちゃのように触ったときに嫌な感じや臭いがしないのはとても助かる。 持つのも簡単だし、Succubusのあっちやこっちをにぎってみて、旦那にそれぞれ違ったリアクションをさせるのも簡単だし、それが楽しい。(※9)一つだけ向上させる部分がある。それは箱の中のSuccubusを固定する4つの壁が半分の紙だけになっているので動いてしまうこと。全面に紙があればもっとしっかり収まります。って、文句いうのにはあまりにも小さい問題ですね。(笑)



でも、それを相手する米の女性のま○この中の長さってさほど変わらない気もするので、足りなかったら足りないなりに、oh yeah!とか言って気にしないのかなとも思ったりもします。
